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New Frontity Showcase Page

  • Post Author
    By Reyes Martínez
  • Post Date
    Tue Jun 02 2020

We’re excited to share with you Frontity’s new Showcase page: a gallery to discover what the community is building and give more visibility to your Frontity projects.

Why a Showcase page?

We at Frontity are curious to see what you are building using the framework, and it’s the same for people in the community and those who just find out about Frontity. They want to see examples, what they can create with the framework, and hear about other’s developers experience, specially when they are choosing a tech stack or considering different tools for their projects.

For this purpose, we have this category in the community forum, where users can share their projects and feedback on Frontity. However, over these months, we realized that most people are unaware of this section.

In an effort to help discover what the community is building, give more visibility to all projects and make it easier to add yours, we have created a new Showcase page in our website. In addition, you can see the projects in a more visual way now.

Why share your Frontity site?

There are many reasons for you as a developer to share what you have built with Frontity. Let me list some of them:

  • Your work matters and it can be a great motivation to encourage other developers. There can be users who are still baffled as to how using React for a WordPress site. Your work can help them understand how you’re using Frontity and what can be accomplished with it.
  • You have the opportunity to showcase your talent. This opens doors to connect with other people. If you’re a freelancer, agencies or clients looking for developers to build a website with Frontity can find you easily.
  • It’s free publicity for you or for your brand: sharing your project will allow you to get more visibility and recognition.
  • Inspire and be inspired: the Showcase section is a great place not only to inspire others with your work but also to get inspiration for your future projects and get a feel of new designs, approaches, etc.
  • It’s a way to get constructive feedback from other developers if you wish, which will allow you to enhance your personal and professional growth.

Sometimes you might think that your work is not good enough to be shared, that it has nothing of note to offer, or that it has a lot of room for improvement. That’s fine, there’s no pressure to share your work if you don’t want to. Just remember, there’s no such thing as a perfect project. You are probably your harshest critic, so give yourself some credit! 🙂

How to add your website

There are two main ways to add your Frontity project to the Showcase page.

The first and the easiest one is to fill out this form with your site’s information. That’s it. We will review your submission and feature your project in the Showcase page.

Alternatively, you can share your project in the community forum. Simply go to the Showcase category, open a new topic and write a post with a link to your website or npm package. Here are some ideas to include in your forum post.

We look forward to seeing your projects with Frontity! 🙌